Meta Level:
Adams, James, and Maggie Woodruff. 2018. “UCI Anthro STS.” In STS Across Borders Digital Exhibit, curated by Aalok Khandekar and Kim Fortun. Society for Social Studies of Science. August.
Level 2: Beginnings:
Adams, James. “Histories of Anthropological STS at UCI.” In UCI Anthro STS, created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In STS Across Borders Digital Exhibit, curated by Aalok Khandekar and Kim Fortun. Society for Social Studies of Science. August.
Level 2: Events
Adams, James. 2018. “Significant Events in UCI Anthro STS.” In UCI Anthro STS, edited by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In STS Across Borders Digital Exhibit, edited by Aalok Khandekar and Kim Fortun. Society for Social Studies of Science. August.
Level 2: Frameworks
Woodruff, Maggie. 2018. "UCI Anthro Faculty on their Favorite Books." In UCI Anthro Faculty, edited by Maggie Woodruff, James Adams, and Nandita Badami. In STS in UCI Anthro STS, edited by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In STS Across Borders Digital Exhibit, edited by Aalok Khandekar and Kim Fortun. Society for Social Studies of Science. August.
Level 2: Projects:
Woodruff, Maggie, James Adams, and Nandita Badami. 2018. “UCI Anthro Faculty.” In STS in UCI Anthro STS, created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In STS Across Borders Digital Exhibit, curated by Aalok Khandekar and Kim Fortun. Society for Social Studies of Science. August.
Level 3: Projects: UCI Anthro Faculty
Woodruff, Maggie, and James Adams. 2018. “Sherine Hamdy.” In UCI Anthro Faculty, created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In STS in UCI Anthro STS, created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In STS Across Borders Digital Exhibit, curated by Aalok Khandekar and Kim Fortun. Society for Social Studies of Science. August.
Level 4: Projects: UCI Anthro Faculty: Personal Essays
Woodruff, Maggie. 2018. “Kim Fortun.” In UCI Anthro Faculty, created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In UCI Anthro STS, created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In STS Across Borders Digital Exhibit, curated by Aalok Khandekar and Kim Fortun. Society for Social Studies of Science. August.
Adams, James. 2018. “Angela Jenks.” In UCI Anthro Faculty, created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In STS in UCI Anthro STS, created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In STS Across Borders Digital Exhibit, curated by Aalok Khandekar and Kim Fortun. Society for Social Studies of Science. August.
Adams, James. 2018. “Mike Fortun.” In UCI Anthro Faculty, created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In UCI Anthro STS, created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In STS Across Borders Digital Exhibit, curated by Aalok Khandekar and Kim Fortun. Society for Social Studies of Science. August.
Okune, Angela. 2018. “Kris Peterson.” Originally created for STS “Africa” in Formation. Re-presented in “UCI Anthro Faculty,” created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In UCI Anthro STS, created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In STS Across Borders Digital Exhibit, curated by Aalok Khandekar and Kim Fortun. Society for Social Studies of Science. August.
Woodruff, Maggie. 2018. “Eleana Kim.” In UCI Anthro Faculty, created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In UCI Anthro STS, created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In STS Across Borders Digital Exhibit, curated by Aalok Khandekar and Kim Fortun. Society for Social Studies of Science. August.
Woodruff, Maggie. 2018. “Mei Zhan.” In UCI Anthro Faculty, created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In UCI Anthro STS, created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In STS Across Borders Digital Exhibit, curated by Aalok Khandekar and Kim Fortun. Society for Social Studies of Science. August.
Badami, Nandita, and Maggie Woodruff. 2018. “Valerie Olson.” In UCI Anthro Faculty, created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In UCI Anthro STS, created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In STS Across Borders Digital Exhibit, curated by Aalok Khandekar and Kim Fortun. Society for Social Studies of Science. August.
Adams, James, and Nandita Bandami. 2018. “Bill Maurer.” In UCI Anthro Faculty, created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In UCI Anthro STS, created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In STS Across Borders Digital Exhibit, curated by Aalok Khandekar and Kim Fortun. Society for Social Studies of Science. August.
Adams, James. 2018. “Victoria Bernal.” In UCI Anthro Faculty, created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In SUCI Anthro STS, created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In STS Across Borders Digital Exhibit, curated by Aalok Khandekar and Kim Fortun. Society for Social Studies of Science. August.
Woodruff, Maggie. 2018. “Tom Boellstorff.” In UCI Anthro Faculty, created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In UCI Anthro STS, created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In STS Across Borders Digital Exhibit, curated by Aalok Khandekar and Kim Fortun. Society for Social Studies of Science. August.
Adams, James. 2018. “George Marcus.” In UCI Anthro Faculty, created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In UCI Anthro STS, created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In STS Across Borders Digital Exhibit, curated by Aalok Khandekar and Kim Fortun. Society for Social Studies of Science. August.
Level 5: Projects: UCI Anthro Faculty: Personal Essays: Interviews
Adams, James. 2018. “Interview with Mike Fortun.” In Mike Fortun, created by James Adams. In UCI Anthro Faculty, created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In UCI Anthro STS, created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In STS Across Borders Digital Exhibit, curated by Aalok Khandekar and Kim Fortun. Society for Social Studies of Science. August.
Adams, James and Angela Okune. 2018. “Interview with Kris Peterson.” In Kris Peterson, created by Angela Okune. Originally created for STS “Africa” in Formation. Re-presented in “UCI Anthro Faculty,” created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In UCI Anthro STS, created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In STS Across Borders Digital Exhibit, curated by Aalok Khandekar and Kim Fortun. Society for Social Studies of Science. August.
Adams, James, Taylor Nelms, and Nandita Badami. 2018. “Interview with Bill Maurer.” In Bill Maurer, created by James Adams and Nandita Badami. In UCI Anthro Faculty, created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In UCI Anthro STS, created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In STS Across Borders Digital Exhibit, curated by Aalok Khandekar and Kim Fortun. Society for Social Studies of Science. August.
Adams, James. 2018. “Interview with George Marcus.” In George Marcus, created by James Adams. In UCI Anthro Faculty, created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In UCI Anthro STS, created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In STS Across Borders Digital Exhibit, curated by Aalok Khandekar and Kim Fortun. Society for Social Studies of Science. August.
Woodruff, Maggie. 2018. "Interview with Valerie Olson, June 2018." In Valerie Olson, edited by Nandita Badami and Maggie Woodruff. In UCI Anthro Faculty, edited by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In UCI Anthro STS, edited by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In STS Across Borders Digital Exhibit, edited by Aalok Khandekar and Kim Fortun. Society for Social Studies of Science. August.
Level 3: People and Projects: UCI Anthro Alumni
Adams, James, and Maggie Woodruff. 2018. “UCI Anthro Alumni.” In UCI Anthro STS, created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In STS Across Borders Digital Exhibit, curated by Aalok Khandekar and Kim Fortun. Society for Social Studies of Science. August
Level 4: People and Projects: UCI Anthro Alumni: Personal Essays
Adams, James. 2018. “Emily Brooks.” In UCI Anthro Alumni, created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In UCI Anthro STS, created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In STS Across Borders Digital Exhibit, curated by Aalok Khandekar and Kim Fortun. Society for Social Studies of Science. August.
Adams, James. 2018. “Elizabeth Reddy.” In UCI Anthro Alumni, created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In UCI Anthro STS, created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In STS Across Borders Digital Exhibit, curated by Aalok Khandekar and Kim Fortun. Society for Social Studies of Science. August.
Adams, James. 2018. “Stephen Rea.” In UCI Anthro Alumni, created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In UCI Anthro STS, created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In STS Across Borders Digital Exhibit, curated by Aalok Khandekar and Kim Fortun. Society for Social Studies of Science. August.
Adams, James. 2018. “Taylor Nelms.” In UCI Anthro Alumni, created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In UCI Anthro STS, created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In STS Across Borders Digital Exhibit, curated by Aalok Khandekar and Kim Fortun. Society for Social Studies of Science. August.
Adams, James. 2018. “Nick Seaver.” In UCI Anthro Alumni, created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In UCI Anthro STS, created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In STS Across Borders Digital Exhibit, curated by Aalok Khandekar and Kim Fortun. Society for Social Studies of Science. August.
Level 5: People and Projects: UCI Anthro Alumni: Personal Essays: Interviews
Adams, James and Maggie Woodruff. 2018. “UCI Anthro Alumni Interview.” In Emily Brooks, created by James Adams. In UCI Anthro Alumni, created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In UCI Anthro STS, created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In STS Across Borders Digital Exhibit, curated by Aalok Khandekar and Kim Fortun. Society for Social Studies of Science. August.
Adams, James and Maggie Woodruff. 2018. “UCI Anthro Alumni Interview.” In Elizabeth Reddy, created by James Adams. In UCI Anthro Alumni, created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In UCI Anthro STS, created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In STS Across Borders Digital Exhibit, curated by Aalok Khandekar and Kim Fortun. Society for Social Studies of Science. August.
Adams, James and Maggie Woodruff. 2018. “UCI Anthro Alumni Interview.” In Stephen Rea, created by James Adams. In UCI Anthro Alumni, created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In UCI Anthro STS, created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In STS Across Borders Digital Exhibit, curated by Aalok Khandekar and Kim Fortun. Society for Social Studies of Science. August.
Adams, James and Maggie Woodruff. 2018. “UCI Anthro Alumni Interview.” In Taylor Nelms, created by James Adams. In UCI Anthro Alumni, created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In UCI Anthro STS, created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In STS Across Borders Digital Exhibit, curated by Aalok Khandekar and Kim Fortun. Society for Social Studies of Science. August.
Adams, James and Maggie Woodruff. 2018. “Interview with Elizabeth Reddy.” In Elizabeth Reddy, created by James Adams. In UCI Anthro Alumni, created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In UCI Anthro STS, created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In STS Across Borders Digital Exhibit, curated by Aalok Khandekar and Kim Fortun. Society for Social Studies of Science. August.
Adams, James and Maggie Woodruff. 2018. “Interview with Stephen Rea.” In Stephen Rea, created by James Adams. In UCI Anthro Alumni, created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In UCI Anthro STS, created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In STS Across Borders Digital Exhibit, curated by Aalok Khandekar and Kim Fortun. Society for Social Studies of Science. August.
Adams, James. 2018. “Interview with Nick Seaver.” In Nick Seaver, created by James Adams. In UCI Anthro Alumni, created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In UCI Anthro STS, created by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In STS Across Borders Digital Exhibit, curated by Aalok Khandekar and Kim Fortun. Society for Social Studies of Science. August.
Level 2: Education:
Adams, James. 2018. “UCI Anthro STS Programs and Specializations.” In UCI Anthro STS, edited by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In STS Across Borders Digital Exhibit, edited by Aalok Khandekar and Kim Fortun. Society for Social Studies of Science. August.
Level 2: Engagements:
Woodruff, Maggie. 2018. “UCI Anthropology Beyond the University.” In UCI Anthro STS, edited by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In STS Across Borders Digital Exhibit, edited by Aalok Khandekar and Kim Fortun. Society for Social Studies of Science. August.
Level 2: Topics:
Woodruff, Maggie, and James Adams. 2018. "UCI Anthro Faculty and Alumni on STS and the Department." In STS in UCI Anthro STS, edited by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff. In STS Across Borders Digital Exhibit, edited by Aalok Khandekar and Kim Fortun. Society for Social Studies of Science. August.
James Adams and Maggie Woodruff, "Content Bibliography", contributed by James Adams and Maggie Woodruff, STS Infrastructures, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 11 August 2018, accessed 21 November 2024.
Critical Commentary
JA: This is the content bibliography for the UCI Anthro STS exhibit. This details all PECE essays, photo essays, and original artifacts (audio, video, pdf, etc.) within the exhibit that have their own unique citation.