Process: Crowdsourcing for "STS in Africa"

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Contributed date

July 17, 2018 - 4:45pm

Critical Commentary

AO: This artifact captures the language we crafted to invite scholars and practitioners to complete the survey to be included in the STS Across Borders "STS in Africa" exhibit. We posted this survey on Twitter and Facebook (see Facebook message used below). We circulated these messages through our various networks and groups in order to get it out as widely as possible. We were limited in our translation language abilities (Aadita has French and I have Swahili and Japanese) and also in our own capacities (largely a lack of available time given we are both full-time students in the midsts of our oral examination period). However, we sought to reach those who might be doing relevant work on science and technology, but who may not consider themselves to be "STS" (or who may not even be aware of the academic field of STS).
Facebook post used:
"Does your work (scholarly, artistic, otherwise...) provide commentary on science and technology across/in/of "Africa" from a critical perspective?
Please complete this survey ( to showcase your work at the upcoming STS in Africa special exhibit at the 2018 annual meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) (
Our challenge is to try to capture the wide diversity and breadth of critical science and technology work going on in and on Africa, even in a cursory way. This first start will be presented in a gallery-style installation in Sept. in Sydney and as an online collection. We hope the exhibit will go towards helping to make a history and community of STS in Africa by drawing in even those individuals, groups and institutions which may not yet have self-identified as “STS”."


Angela Okune

Cite as

Angela Okune, "Process: Crowdsourcing for "STS in Africa"", contributed by Angela Okune, STS Infrastructures, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 17 July 2018, accessed 2 October 2024.