Exploring STS Corpuses Using PANDORÆ


This article presents PANDORÆ, a free and open-source software designed to retrieve, normalize and explore datasets from sources such as bibliometric services (Scopus), social-media APIs (Twitter) and web crawling solutions (Hyphe). While some existing tools focus on co-occurrence networks, affiliation mapping or chronological display of different types of corpuses, PANDORÆ has been built as a one-stop shop to allow corpus explorations in a manner of minutes on any computer. It is able to connect to several types of API services, retrieve corpuses, enrich the retrieved data by geocoding locations if applicable, encode that data using the CSL-JSON standard, send it to open-source service Zotero for collaborative manual curation, and re-import the corpus for various types of visual exploration.
This paper focuses on PANDORÆ’s design as a tool attempting to unite both rigorous methodological control and ease of use for both students and researchers. It also aims at showing that FLOSS software can empower users in more than the traditional “fork and rebuild” way. Using the Observable API and infrastructure, PANDORÆ supports importing interactive DOM elements within its own slide presentation system, allowing users to prototype and test their own visualization graphs in a matter of minutes. This paper uses the example of genome editing as a case study.


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Contributed date

May 28, 2020 - 4:45am

Critical Commentary

This is an abstract for the EASST/4S 2020 open panel "Digital Experiments in the Making: Methods, Tools, and Platforms in the Infrastructuring of STS".

Cite as

Guillaume Levrier - Sciences Po, "Exploring STS Corpuses Using PANDORÆ", contributed by Lina Franken, STS Infrastructures, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 28 May 2020, accessed 23 February 2025. https://stsinfrastructures.org/content/exploring-sts-corpuses-using-pandoræ