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Heath, Phillip A.. "Organizing for STS Teaching and Learning: The Doing of STS." Theory Into Practice 31, no. 1 (1992): 52-58.
Heath, Shirley Brice. "Where Our Studies of Learning Are Being Pushed." Anthropology & Education Quarterly 52, no. 2 (2021): 222-228.
Haworth, Robert H.. Anarchist Pedagogies: Collective Actions, Theories, and Critical Reflections on Education. PM Press.
Haworth, Robert H., and John M. Elmore. Out of the Ruins: The Emergence of Radical Informal Learning Spaces. PM Press.
Harvey, David, and Karl Marx. A companion to Marx's Capital. London ; New York: Verso, 2010.
Hart, Paul, and Kathleen Nolan. "A Critical Analysis of Research in Environmental Education." Studies in Science Education 34, no. 1: 1-69.
Hart, Paul, and Kathleen Nolan. "A Critical Analysis of Research in Environmental Education." Studies in Science Education 34, no. 1: 1-69.
Harsh, Matthew, Kerry Holden, Jameson Wetmore, Pascal G Zachary, and Ravtosh Bal. "Situating science in Africa: The dynamics of computing research in Nairobi and Kampala." Social Studies of Science 49, no. 1: 52-76.
Haraway, Donna J.. "A Game of Cat's Cradle: Science Studies, Feminist Theory, Cultural Studies." Configurations 2, no. 1 (1994): 59-71.
Handler, Richard. Between Understanding and Action: Anthropological Pedagogy and the Habitus of Privilege among US Undergraduate Students., 2018.
Handler, Richard. "DISCIPLINARY ADAPTATION AND UNDERGRADUATE DESIRE: Anthropology and Global Development Studies in the Liberal Arts Curriculum." Cultural Anthropology 28, no. 2 (2013): 181-203.
Handelsman, Jo, Diane Ebert-May, Robert Beichner, Peter Bruns, Amy Chang, Robert DeHaan, Jim Gentile, Sarah Lauffer, James Stewart, Shirley M. Tilghman et al. "Scientific Teaching." Science 304, no. 5670: 521-522.
Handelsman, Jo, Diane Ebert-May, Robert Beichner, Peter Bruns, Amy Chang, Robert DeHaan, Jim Gentile, Sarah Lauffer, James Stewart, Shirley M. Tilghman et al. "Scientific Teaching." Science 304, no. 5670: 521-522.
Han, Junhui, and Zhengfeng Li. "How Metrics-Based Academic Evaluation Could Systematically Induce Academic Misconduct: A Case Study." East Asian Science, Technology and Society 12, no. 2 (2018): 165-180.
Hamraie, Aimi, and Kelly Fritsch. "Crip Technoscience Manifesto." Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience 5, no. 1: 1-33.
Hamraie, Aimi, and Kelly Fritsch. "Crip Technoscience Manifesto." Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience 5, no. 1: 1-33.
Hamraie, Aimi, and Kelly Fritsch. "Crip Technoscience Manifesto." Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience 5, no. 1: 1-33.
Hamraie, Aimi, and Kelly Fritsch. "Crip Technoscience Manifesto." Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience 5, no. 1: 1-33.
Hammond, Lorie, and Carol Brandt. "Science and Cultural Process: Defining an Anthropological Approach to Science Education." Studies in Science Education 40, no. 1: 1-47.
Hammond, Lorie, and Carol Brandt. "Science and Cultural Process: Defining an Anthropological Approach to Science Education." Studies in Science Education 40, no. 1: 1-47.
Hamlin, Darrell. "Engaged Research Pedagogy and Partnership Introduction." eJournal of Public Affairs 8, no. 2.
Hamlin, Darrell. "Engaged Research Pedagogy and Partnership Introduction." eJournal of Public Affairs 8, no. 2.
Hamlin, Christopher. "STS: Where the Marxist Critique of Capitalist Science Goes to Die?" Science as Culture 16, no. 4 (2007): 467-474.
Hamlin, Darrell. "Engaged Research Pedagogy and Partnership Introduction." eJournal of Public Affairs 8, no. 2.
Hamlin, Darrell. "Engaged Research Pedagogy and Partnership Introduction." eJournal of Public Affairs 8, no. 2.
