Nicolas Baya-Laffite


Université de Lausanne, Institut des Sciences Sociales - Quartier UNIL-Mouline
Lausanne, VD




Nicolas Baya Laffite is a postdoc researcher and lecturer in digital sociology at the STSLab of the Université de Lausanne. Trained in political science at the University of Buenos Aires, he obtained his PhD in history of science and technology from the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris. His work focuses on conflict in the production of sociotechnical orderings and innovation, looking in particular the interplay between trajectories and infrastructures, governance instruments, and social challenges at multiple scales. For a long time devoted to environmental and climate matters, the focus of his research has recently shifted onto digital transformations, specially in knowledge production in and about society and the controversies raised by computational approaches. Having worked in several cross-disciplinary object-oriented collaborative projects, his approach relies on both traditional social science methods and digital methods. Before joining the UNIL in 2016, Nicolas Baya-Laffite worked at médialab Sciences Po, where he taught and conducted research on controversy mapping and then as IFRIS postdoctoral fellow at "Laboratoire interdisciplinaire Sciences, Innovations, Sociétés". He was visiting scholar at the Sociology of Politics and Governance group at TU Berlin and the Centro CTS, Argentina. Beyond academia, he has developed third stream activities as an expert in the field of “science in society” for several international and national governmental and civil society organisations.