Emma Stendahl


College of Business
Belfield 4


Postdoc researcher


Emma Stendahl is a postdoctoral researcher at University College Dublin (UCD). After finalizing her PhD in Business and Innovation Studies at Stockholm University, Sweden, she moved to Ireland to be part of MISFIRES at UCD. Funded by the EU Horizon 2020 Programme, the research project examines failures in healthcare markets and studies how participants in these markets address and voice these failures to industry and government. As part of MISFIRES, Emma focuses Type-1 diabetes and studies the interlinkages between digital activism, open data movement and user innovation for improved Type-1 diabetes care. Emma’s research and teaching interests revolve around collaborative approaches to innovation, especially in an international context. She has worked closely with patient organizations/communities and user-entrepreneurs as well as multinational corporations in Europe and the U.S. on case studies and research projects. Emma has taught courses at an undergraduate and graduate level including Organisational Theory, Business, Politics and Culture, and Research Methods.

e: emma.stendahl@ucd.ie
t: @Emmastendahl