Aybike Alkan


Home University
Koç Universitesi
Istanbul, IST


PhD Candidate


I am a PhD candidate and research and teaching assistant in the Department of Sociology at Koç University, Turkey. I received my BS degree in Chemical Engineering from METU and MS degree in Industrial Engineering from Koç University. Being studied Turkey’s electricity generation system and energy infrastructures during my master’s studies, now I am interested in how engineers use, transform, and challenge technoscientific knowledge as well as the ways they make use of this knowledge, especially in the process of planning and implementing large-scale infrastructure projects. Accordingly, my research interests include politics of expertise, politics of development, and technology transfer across national and international borders. In my thesis, I study a large-scale development project of Turkey through river basin planning, aiming at the construction of water infrastructures such as hydropower plants, irrigation tunnels, and pipes in a politically contentious region. I was a visiting student at York University, Canada in Spring 2017 and worked on how technologies travel and become translated in different contexts. I am also one of the founding members of IstanbuLab, an independent research platform on Science, Technology, and Society in Turkey.