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STS in Africa
Oxford Street, Accra: city life and the itineraries of transnationalism
Quayson, Ato
Oxford Street, Accra: city life and the itineraries of transnationalism
. Durham: Duke University Press, 2014.
Africa as a living laboratory: empire, development, and the problem of scientific knowledge, 1870-1950
Tilley, Helen
Africa as a living laboratory: empire, development, and the problem of scientific knowledge, 1870-1950
. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2011.
Edges of exposure: toxicology and the problem of capacity in postcolonial Senegal
Tousignant, Noémi
Edges of exposure: toxicology and the problem of capacity in postcolonial Senegal
Experimental futures
. Durham: Duke University Press, 2018.
African cultural astronomy: current archaeoastronomy and ethnoastronomy research in Africa
Holbrook, Jarita C.
Rodney Medupe
, and
Johnson O. Urama
African cultural astronomy: current archaeoastronomy and ethnoastronomy research in Africa
Astrophysics and space science proceedings
. Berlin?: Springer, 2008.
Reinventing hoodia: peoples, plants, and patents in South Africa
Foster, Laura A.
Reinventing hoodia: peoples, plants, and patents in South Africa
Feminist technosciences
. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2018.
Biometric state: the global politics of identification and surveillance in South Africa, 1850 to the present
Breckenridge, Keith
Biometric state: the global politics of identification and surveillance in South Africa, 1850 to the present
. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014.
Cooking data: culture and politics in an African research world
Biruk, Crystal
Cooking data: culture and politics in an African research world
Critical global health: evidence, efficacy, ethnography
. Durham: Duke University Press, 2018.
Science and an African logic
Verran, Helen
Science and an African logic
. 5. Nachdr ed. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 2010.
Rock | water | life: ecology and humanities for a decolonial South Africa
Green, Lesley
Rock | water | life: ecology and humanities for a decolonial South Africa
. Johannesburg, South Africa: Wits University Press, 2020.
Broken tempos: Of means and memory in a Senegalese university laboratory
Tousignant, Noémi
Broken tempos: Of means and memory in a Senegalese university laboratory
Social Studies of Science
43, no. 5: 729-753.
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