The dataset shows how households, including per definition given in the datasheet also small business enterprises (with less than 60.000 € profit per year according to the legal definition of the...Read more
The document doesn't give information on the definitions of the seven categories that are represented in the table. It might be interesting to find out, how the broad bundles of practices have...Read more
<p>This document shows general statistical data on households in South Africa. It is from 2016 and includes some interesting parts on water use. Because of the fact that new data from SA is only possible to access when sending the computer serial number (for cyber security reasons?) it was...Read more
The way how the categories are forged, renders information invisible that might have been valuable for political debates. When drinking qulity water is used to clean cars, this can be...Read more
"In the coming decades, highly treated wastewater, known as reclaimed water, is slated to be a major element of municipal water supplies. In particular, planners propose supplementing drinking water with reclaimed water as a sustainable solution to the growing challenge of urban water...Read more
This blog post by Lesley Green was initiated in response to an email from a journalist who asked for comment on the Cape water crisis. His email was titled "Will Cape Town survive the deadliest water crisis?." Green responds that this is not “the deadliest” water crisis and that the city...Read more