Ukombozi library

AO. "Rooted within working class struggles in Kenya."

AO: This excerpt from the interview highlights the importance to the leadership of Ukombozi library of rooting it within the working class struggles in Kenya and the importance of...Read more

AO. Bretton Woods neoliberal policies of 1980s/90s reduced library capacities.

AO: This quote underlines the historical context of the Bretton Woods' Structural Adjustment Policies which heavily influenced the situation of libraries and educational institutions today....Read more

AO. Publication Form, Format and Languages.

AO: This excerpt from the interview highlights the thinking by Ukombozi library leadership about form, format and language choice in scholarly publications in order to engage with a working class...Read more

AO. Gap in relevant content in Kenyan libraries and learning institutions.

AO: This excerpt from the interview describes why Ukombozi Library was seen to be needed -- especially highlighting the perceived gap in progressive content in publically accessible libraries and...Read more

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