
Intellectual Layers / STS Talks

This poster was created as part of An Archaeology of STS in Turkey, an STS Across Borders gallery collection at the 4S 2018 annual meeting in Sydney, Australia.

This poster helps to answer the shared ...Read more

Institutional Layers / TEKPOL @ Middle East Technical University (1997 - ongoing)

This poster was created as part of An Archaeology of STS in Turkey, an STS Across Borders gallery collection at the 4S 2018 annual meeting in Sydney, Australia.

This poster helps to answer the shared ...Read more

Infiltrating STS Inside the Walls of STS-free Institutions

Haldun Özaktaş is an academic in the field of electrical engineering who started to teach the course “Science, Technology, Society” at Bilkent University, in 1995. This course is the first introductory STS course given in a university in Turkey, and it is still on the engineering curricula as a...Read more

Institutional Layers / STS MA @ Istanbul Technical University (2016 - ongoing)

This poster was created as part of An Archaeology of STS in Turkey, an STS Across Borders gallery collection at the 4S 2018 annual meeting in Sydney, Australia.

This poster helps to answer the shared ...Read more

Report by Ergun Türkcan

This report was prepared by Ergun Turkcan during the establishment of TEKPOL at METU, and discusses the possibilities for collaboration with Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU) at Sussex University. It includes detailed notes of visit to the SPRU (28 September 1995). [text marked by Duygu...Read more

Institutional Layers / STS MA @ Istanbul Technical University (2000-2006)

This poster was created as part of An Archaeology of STS in Turkey, an STS Across Borders gallery collection at the 4S 2018 annual meeting in Sydney, Australia.

This poster helps to answer the shared ...Read more

Institutional Layers / An STS Course Contemporary Art, Science, and Technology

This poster was created as part of An Archaeology of STS in Turkey, an STS Across Borders gallery collection at the 4S 2018 annual meeting in Sydney, Australia.

This poster helps to answer the shared ...Read more

TEKPOL: Conditions

1990s in the World and in Turkey

The following developments highlighted below shed light on the external conditions affecting the establishment of TEKPOL through the end of the 1990s:

Fragmented Past

This poster was created as part of An Archaeology of STS in Turkey, an STS Across Borders gallery collection at the 4S 2018 annual meeting in Sydney, Australia.

This poster helps to answer the shared ...Read more

AOk. The importance of public discourse and archiving.

I find this video clip particularly spoke to the value of channels of communication and debate for public (scientific) discussion and then the careful archiving (and "backing up") of those...Read more

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