STS in Africa

Reflections on developing STS ACROSS BORDERS: STS IN “AFRICA”

AO: This blog post posted on the 4S 2018 website in the weeks before the conference aimed to briefly touch on some of the challenges, motivations and inspirations encountered in the development of the exhibit.Read more

Burrell, Jenna. 2009. “The Field Site as a Network: A Strategy for Locating Ethnographic Research.” Field Methods 21 (2): 181–99.

AO: This 2009 paper by Jenna Burrell explores strategies devised by researchers to map social research onto spatial terrain. She focuses in particular on the logistical issues involved and practical steps to constructing virtual and networked sites into "field sites". This article includes...Read more

4S 2018 Poster: Michel Wahome

This poster series was created as part of STS IN "AFRICA" IN FORMATION, an STS Across Borders gallery collection at the 4S 2018 annual meeting in Sydney, Australia. All posters in the STS in Africa poster series can be found ...Read more

4S 2018 Poster: Strategic Narratives of Technology and Africa Event

This poster series was created as part of STS IN "AFRICA" IN FORMATION, an STS Across Borders gallery collection at the 4S 2018 annual meeting in Sydney, Australia. All posters in the STS in Africa poster series can be found ...Read more

4S 2018 Poster: iHub Research Engagements

This poster series was created as part of  IHUB RESEARCH (2011 - 2017): A CRITICAL TECHNOLOGY ACTION RESEARCH GROUP WITHIN NAIROBI'S FLAGSHIP TECH INNOVATION HUB, an STS Across Borders gallery collection at the 4S 2018 annual meeting in Sydney, Australia. All posters...Read more

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