STS Across Borders

Max Charlesworth - Remarks on Teaching Methods at Deakin University

This essay, which was written in response to a paper by Dr. Jevon on teaching methods at Deakin University, reflects on the values and challenges of embracing interdisciplinary teaching, and considers the implications of 'off-campus' students and teaching, particular in relation to regional...Read more

Scientists and the Soul

This talk transcript by Max Charlesworth, which aired on ABC Radio National's 'Ockham's Razor' program in June 1998, discusses scientific attempts to demistify the nature of human consciousness and rationalise the concept of 'the soul'.

The artifact comes from the Max Charlesworth...Read more

Topics and Frameworks

This poster was created as a part of Anthropologies of Science and Technology in Japan, as an STS Across Borders gallery collection at the 4S 2018 annual meeting at Sydney, Australia.

This poster helps to answer the shared...Read more

Medical Worlds

This poster was created as a part of Anthropologies of Science and Technology in Japanas an STS Across Borders gallery collection at the 4S 2018 annual meeting at Sydney, Australia.

This poster helps to answer the shared...Read more

From Politics to Academics: Political Activism and the Emergence of Science and Technology Studies in South Korea

This 2014 article by Mathieu Quet and Marianne Noel link South Korean political activism and STS reflections from the 70s and 80s to the growth of academic STS in the 90s. Comparisons are made to similar developments in Europe and the US. Read more

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