1994. Roll-Hansen. "Science, Politics, and the Mass Media: On Biased Communication of Environmental Issues"

When environmental science acts by enlightenment rather than instrumental use, that is, by changing the aims and values of politics rather than its means, adequate communication to the general public is crucially important. Based on the study of two issues, forest death from acid rain and the...Read more

2000. Gusterson. "How Not to Construct a Radioactive Waste Incinerator"

ARTICLE ABSTRACT: Sociologists of risk tend to presume that populations have static perceptions of risk that can be correlated with their degree of technical expertise or their structural relation to society. Such commentators show little interest in human agency unless it is the agency of...Read more

1993. Laird. "Participatory Analysis, Democracy, and Technological Decision Making"

"Scientific and technological policy issues are not and should not be exempt from the norms of democratic governance. This article examines two major theories of democracy, analyzes their commonalities and differences, and derives criteria for evaluating various forms of public...Read more

2018. Krzywoszynska et. al. "Opening Up the Participation Laboratory: The Cocreation of Publics and Futures in Upstream Participation"

ARTICLE ABSTRACT: How to embed reflexivity in public participation in techno-science and to open it up to the agency of publics are key concerns in current debates. There is a risk that engagements become limited to "laboratory experiments," highly controlled and foreclosed by...Read more

2016. Gross. "Give Me an Experiment and I Will Raise a Laboratory"

ARTICLE ABSTRACT: Bruno Latour once argued that science laboratories actively modify the wider society by displacing crucial actors outside the laboratory into the "field." This article turns this idea on its head by using the case of geothermal energy utilization to demonstrate that in many...Read more

2013. McAndrews. "Road Safety as a Shared Responsibility and a Public Problem in Swedish Road Safety Policy"

"Sweden’s road safety policy, Vision Zero, seeks to eliminate deaths and serious injuries from traffic crashes, and it recognizes that the bottleneck in improving road safety is displacing mobility as the main priority of the road transportation system. This analysis considers the...Read more

2003. Lee and Roth. "Science and the “Good Citizen”: Community-Based Scientific Literacy"

ARTICLE ABSTRACT: Science literacy is frequently touted as a key to good citizenship. Based on a two-year ethnographic study examining science in the community, the authors suggest that when considering the contribution of scientific activity to the greater good, science must be seen as forming...Read more

2000. Herrick and Sarewitz. "Ex Post Evaluation: A More Effective Role for Scientific Assessments in Environmental Policy"

"Unreasonable expectations about the nature and character of scientific knowledge support the widespread political assumption that predictive scientific assessments are a necessary precursor to environmental decision making. All too often, the practical outcome of this assumption is...Read more

1999. Evans et. al. "Making a Difference: Sociology of Scientific Knowledge and Urban Energy Policies"

ARTICLE ABSTRACT: Infrastructure management has traditionally been based on a logic of predict and provide in which rising demand was met with an increase in infrastructure capacity. However, recent changes in political, economic, and environmental priorities mean that projects such as new roads...Read more

1995. Kaplan. "The Computer Prescription: Medical Computing, Public Policy, and Views of History"

"This article traces past trends and current developments in medical computing in the United States. It suggests a link between shifts in emphases in medical computing and in federal government policy toward health care delivery. The development of medical computing was not driven...Read more

1996. Solomon and Hackett. "Setting Boundaries between Science and Law: Lessons from Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc."

"In Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc., the U.S. Supreme Court made its first major pronouncement on the evaluation of scientific evidence, calling on judges to act as gatekeepers for scientific knowledge and validity, despite lack of scientific training among judges. Daubert...Read more

2017. Wilke. "Seeing and Unmaking Civilians in Afghanistan: Visual Technologies and Contested Professional Visions"

"While the distinction between civilians and combatants is fundamental to international law, it is contested and complicated in practice. How do North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) officers see civilians in Afghanistan? Focusing on 2009 air strike in Kunduz, this article argues...Read more

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