2013. Hoffman. "Unheeded Science: Taking Precaution out of Toxic Water Pollutants Policy"

ARTICLE ABSTRACT: In the early 1970s, the idea of precaution "of heeding rather than ignoring scientific evidence of harm when there is uncertainty, and taking action that errs on the side of safety" was so appealing that the US Congress used it as the basis of the toxics provisions of the Clean...Read more

2001. Edmond. "The Law-Set: The Legal-Scientific Production of Medical Propriety"

"This article examines some of the interactions between law, science, and society taking place during a trial (in Victorian England). By focusing on a restricted set of scientific and nonscientific actors (the law-set, a derivation of the core-set) engaged in negotiating the meaning,...Read more

2016. Hinterberger. "Regulating Estrangement: Human–Animal Chimeras in Postgenomic Biology"

"Why do laws and regulations marking boundaries between humans and other animals proliferate amid widespread proclamations of the waning of the species concept and the consensus that life is a continuum? Here I consider a recent spate of new guidelines and regulations in the United...Read more

1996. Shackley and Wynne. "Representing Uncertainty in Global Climate Change Science and Policy: Boundary-Ordering Devices and Authority"

"This article argues that, in public and policy contexts, the ways in which many scientists talk about uncertainty in simulations of future climate change not only facilitates communications and cooperation between scientific and policy communities but also affects the perceived...Read more

2018. Jasanoff and Metzler. "Borderlands of Life: IVF Embryos and the Law in the United States, United Kingdom, and Germany"

"Human embryos produced in labs since the 1970s have generated layers of uncertainty for law and policy: ontological, moral, and administrative. Ontologically, these lab-made entities fall into a gray zone between life and not-yet-life. Should in vitro embryos be treated as inanimate...Read more

1990. Daamen et. al. "Cognitive Structures in the Perception of Modern Technologies"

ARTICLE ABSTRACT: Results of two survey studies (N = 197 and N = 2037) are presented. It is shown that attitudes of the public about "technology in general" are not stable and can easily be affected by how the subject is introduced. Eight areas of technology are compared on the basis of...Read more

2015. Cordner. "Strategic Science Translation and Environmental Controversies"

In contested areas of environmental research and policy, all stakeholders are likely to claim that their position is scientifically grounded but disagree about the relevant scientific conclusions or the weight of the evidence. In this article, I draw on a year of participant observation and over...Read more

2016. Groves et. al. "Energy Biographies: Narrative Genres, Lifecourse Transitions, and Practice Change"

ARTICLE ABSTRACT: The problem of how to make the transition to a more environmentally and socially sustainable society poses questions about how such far-reaching social change can be brought about. In recent years, lifecourse transitions have been identified by a range of researchers as...Read more

2004. Dunsby. "Measuring Environmental Health Risks: The Negotiation of a Public Right-to-Know Law"

"Quantitative health risk assessment is a procedure for estimating the likelihood that exposure to environmental contaminants will produce certain adverse health effects, most commonly cancer. One instance of its use has been a California air toxics public “right-to-know” law. This...Read more

2000. Herrick and Sarewitz. "Ex Post Evaluation: A More Effective Role for Scientific Assessments in Environmental Policy"

"Unreasonable expectations about the nature and character of scientific knowledge support the widespread political assumption that predictive scientific assessments are a necessary precursor to environmental decision making. All too often, the practical outcome of this assumption is...Read more

2001. Miller. "Hybrid Management: Boundary Organizations, Science Policy, and Environmental Governance in the Climate Regime"

"The theory of boundary organizations was developed to address an important group of institutions in American society neglected by scholarship in science studies and political science. The long-term stability of scientific and political institutions in the United States has enabled a...Read more

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