Selen Eren

Eren. Sketch 3.

  • method / activities: One on one interviews
    • data type: (1) audio or video recording; (2) textual transcript; (3)
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Eren. Sketch 1.

1. Do you have more trouble articulating your frame (social theoretical questions) or object?

Social theoretical questions, if I understand this question correctly.

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Selen Eren Collaboration Bio

Selen Eren University of Gronigen, STS

I am a doctoral researcher at Campus Fryslân, the University of Groningen, the Netherlands. I study how knowledge claims are produced and how credibility is achieved in bird ecologists’ knowledge infrastructures consisting of...Read more

Sketch 1: Peer Review for Clara Fernández

Sketch 1: Peer Review for Clara Fernández

Hi Clara! My question is actually is not derived from your answers per se, I was already thinking about them while answering these questions myself...Read more

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