An interview with Naoki Kasuga by Casper Bruun Jensen. Kasuga is the founder and editor-in-chief of the online journal NatureCulture. He is also the editor of the book, Anthropology as Critique of Reality, which introduced the anthropological "ontological turn" in Japan.Read more
In this 2015 article, Jensen and Morita contribute to recent conversations about ontology within STS and anthropology by bringing them into contact with other long-established traditions of studying experimentation and infrastructure.Read more
While the anthropological study of infrastructure is a fairly recent and uncommon phenomenon in Japan, there has always been a strong interest in infrastructure among Foucault-inspired urban sociologists who emphasize the way infrastructures work as apparatuses to shape and orient...Read more
This 2016 paper is an introduction to the special issue on infrastructure which is one of the outcomes of the KAKEN research project "Environmental Infrastructures: Comparative Ethnographic Study...Read more
This introduction to a forum in HAU, written by Casper Bruun Jensen and Atsuro Morita, depicts "the anthropological genealogies that led to the Japanese interest in 'ontological matters,' and it offers an entry point for understanding Japanese interpretations of, and responses to, this set of...Read more