AO: This paragraph from the blog post describes where the library is situated and its surrounding environment.
Behind me, to the left of the library doors, city council parking
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AO: This is a rich paragraph from Wanjiru's blog post that raises several issues. First, she identifies a common public narrative about how Kenyans do not read. I have also often heard some...Read more
AO: The framework of decolonization is a primary one for those working on restoring McMillan library.Read more
AO: This quote by one of the co-founders of Book Bunk highlights the important role that libraries (should) play in consciousness raising and intellectual formation of Kenyans.
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AO: Wanjiru points out that despite popular narratives about Kenyans not reading, there is still a demand for books that perserveres despite lack of investment by...Read more
“I was actually trying to find books by African authors. The content in this library are from the views of specifically white men, which is super problematic.” -Kenyan artist during a tour of the library.
“When it was opened in 1931, this library was never intended for African users. So...Read more
AO: This article describes a recent event that was hosted at one of the libraries affiliated with McMillan. It also gives a sense of the motivations and actors behind the revitalization of McMillan libraries.Read more