
Infrastructuring Environments

This paper is an introduction to the special issue "Infrastructuring Environments," which is one of the outcomes of the KAKEN research project "Environmental Infrastructures: Comparative...Read more

Toward Natural-cultural Relativism
Toward Natural-cultural Relativism : Considering the Future of Globalization from the Standpoint of the Inuit Indigenous Movement (<Special Theme> Beyond "Globalization")
Author: Keiichi OMURA...Read more
Introduction: Adachi Akira and Non-modern Area Studies

Asian and African Area Studies No.13-2 (February, 2014): 101-111

Author: Tatsuro Fujikura

Abstract: This introductory article to the special issue remembering Professor Adachi Akira recollects some aspects of his life and thoughts by looking at some of his writings. It starts from...Read more

From Latour to late industrialism

Kim Fortun's 2014 article is available on the website for HAU's Journal of Ethnographic Theory.


"I situate Latour’s latest project—An Inquiry into Modes of Existence (AIME)—in the context of late industrialism and query both its conceptual underpinnings and...Read more

Human–Nonhuman Relations

The relationship between human and nonhuman beings has been investigated in anthropological studies on magical-religious practices such as animism, shamanism, and spirit possession. Studies of gift-exchange and personhood have also elaborated important arguments about the unfolding of encounters...Read more

2017. Damjanov. "Of Defunct Satellites and Other Space Debris: Media Waste in the Orbital Commons"

"Defunct satellites and other technological waste are increasingly occupying Earth’s orbital space, a region designated as one of the global commons. These dilapidated technologies that were commissioned to sustain the production and exchange of data, information, and images are an...Read more

The Ontology of Technology

The Ontology of Technology : Considering the Potentiality of Natural-Cultural Anthropology through an Analysis of the Inuit Technological-Complex System (<Special Theme>New Horizon of Ethnography on Technology)

Author: Keiichi Omura
Keywords:...Read more

2015. Cordner. "Strategic Science Translation and Environmental Controversies"

In contested areas of environmental research and policy, all stakeholders are likely to claim that their position is scientifically grounded but disagree about the relevant scientific conclusions or the weight of the evidence. In this article, I draw on a year of participant observation and over...Read more

Introduction: Minor Traditions, Shizen Equivocations, and Sophisticated Conjunctions

This paper is an introduction to the issue  "Multiple Nature-Cultures, Diverse Anthropologies." By showing the equivocal notion of shizen, Japanese translation for "nature," the paper explores the existence of multiple nature-cultures. 

The special issue...Read more

2015. Cordner. "Strategic Science Translation and Environmental Controversies"

ARTICLE ABSTRACT: In contested areas of environmental research and policy, all stakeholders are likely to claim that their position is scientifically grounded but disagree about the relevant scientific conclusions or the weight of the evidence. In this article, I draw on a year of participant...Read more

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