
STS in Japan and East Asia: Governance of Science and Technology and Public Engagement

This paper deliniates the development of STS in Japan (pre-3.11), focusing on the governance of science and technology and public engagement. The interests of this line of STS (proper) and the anthropological STS are somewhat overlapping but quite different.    Read more

Reorganization of Social Order after a Tsunami

Reorganization of Social Order after a Tsunami: Collective Relocation and "Community"(<Special Theme>Disaster and Anthropology: Facing the Aftermath of the Great East Japan Earthquake)

Author: Shuhei Kimura

Keywords: Disaster, reconstruction, social order, legal institution,...Read more

Anthropology of Infrastructure

While the anthropological study of infrastructure is a fairly recent and uncommon phenomenon in Japan, there has always been a strong interest in infrastructure among Foucault-inspired urban sociologists who emphasize the way infrastructures work as apparatuses to shape and orient...Read more

Different Scales, Non-Corresponding Words, Hidden Actors, Imbroglios

Asian and African Area Studies No.13-2 (February, 2014): 148-173

Author: Yasushi Uchiyamada

Abstract: This is an attempt to follow and describe from the perspective of Simondonian ontogenesis the emerging imbroglios constituted interactively by leaking radioactive materials,...Read more

3.11 and the STS-anthropology of disaster

While the earth sciences have been a major topic for STS in Japan, few STS scholars have focused on natural disasters. Social studies of disaster (environmental sociology, the sociology and social psychology of natural disaster, the anthropology of natural disaster...Read more

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