data statement

Data Availability Statement for "Placing STS In and Through Turkey"

The article “Placing STS in and through Turkey” is mostly based on two exhibitions prepared or contributed to by us, the authors of the article. These exhibitions – “An Archaeology of STS in Turkey” (Kaşdoğan, Yetişkin, and Erol 2018) and “Innovating STS in Turkey” (Kaşdoğan and Alkan 2019) –...Read more

Data Index for "STS and Critical Pedagogies"

SOURCE DATA Armstrong, Ellie, Shelby Dietz, Sharlissa Moore, Ellan Spero, and Aubrey Wigner. 2021. "Making the Invisible Visible Group Presentation Slides." Engaging Science, Technology, and Society . STS Infrastructures (Platform for Experimental...Read more

Data Availability Statement for "Spaceships and Poetry"

The materials provided as source data come from the activities of the ETHOS Lab at the IT University of Copenhagen, in the period 2017-2018. They constitute chapbook publications, posters, and a video documenting an installation in the university. We consider them valuable for STS because they...Read more

Data Availability Statement for "STS and Critical Pedagogies"

Working with participants in the "STS as a Critical Pedagogy" online workshop during the summer of 2021, it was exciting to imagine the different ways we might use the STS Infrastructures platform to extend conversations about STS pedagogies and to share materials that were emerging in the...Read more

Data Availability Statement for "Teaching the Politics of Numbers with EthnoData"

The poster provided as source data is the "Sample clues from a digital scavenger hunt in EthnoData." These clues were used by a team of researchers from Kaleidos, University of Cuenca, during a virtual class taught online during the Covid-19 pandemic in December of 2020.

This document is...Read more

Data Availability Statement for "Feminist Theory Theater"

Feminist Theory Theater—or FTT as we lovingly abbreviate it—is a way to read theory (or anything) with others. Inspired by feminist STS and its commitments to embodied, situated and distributed sense-making, FTT asks readers to stage, discuss, and restage the text that they are reading. By...Read more

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