
Visualizations from Pedestrian Counter Data

This document is a collection of screenshots that I made from data visualizations in the urban data platform as well as Hystreets website. The graphs look quite different although representing similar data.Read more

What's in a category?

The document doesn't give information on the definitions of the seven categories that are represented in the table. It might be interesting to find out, how the broad bundles of practices have...Read more

Play, Pedagogy and STS

"We use here play in the sense of Winnicott (2005) and others when thinking of play as a form of therapy. What we mean by this is that playing with numbers is a productive approach for thinking...Read more

Sambuli, Nanjira. 2018. Typed Interview Responses. STS Across Borders.

AO: With her permission, I include Nanjira Sambuli's full typed responses to the interview questions I sent her.Read more

Interview with employee of the municipal Economic Development GmbH

Here you find a translation of an interview that I conducted in German with an employee of the municipal GmbH Economic Development in order to find out more about data processing and sharing practices as well as about the use cases for pedestrian counters. It is slightly shortened for reasons of...Read more

Biruk, Crystal. 2018. Cooking Data: Culture and Politics in an African Research World. Critical Global Health: Evidence, Efficacy, Ethnography. Durham: Duke University Press.

Abstract: " In Cooking Data Crystal Biruk offers an ethnographic account of research into the demographics of HIV and AIDS in Malawi to rethink the production of quantitative health data. While research practices are often understood within a clean/dirty...Read more

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