
Visualizations from Pedestrian Counter Data

This document is a collection of screenshots that I made from data visualizations in the urban data platform as well as Hystreets website. The graphs look quite different although representing similar data.Read more

Data mutation on the travel

The flow of electrones in the cables in the ground is altered due to electromagnetic interaction with metal that moves above them. These variantions in the flow are interpreted by sensors...Read more

Community Data Case Study Approach

"To imagine Community Data further meant imagining another kind of classroom as a data infrastructure, something that opened up the idea of the classroom - and campus - itself as Community...Read more

Sambuli, Nanjira. 2018. Typed Interview Responses. STS Across Borders.

AO: With her permission, I include Nanjira Sambuli's full typed responses to the interview questions I sent her.Read more

Technical information on Laser Scanners provided by GmbH

Here I copied the scarce technical specifications that Hystreet provides on its website.Read more

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