Asian STS

The Tao of Multispecies Ethnography

Bringing together different perspectives is at the heart of multispecies ethnography, but this approach is not new to indigenous people. Indigenous people are already talking to ornithologists. I am personally inspired by the collaboration between biologists and indigenous people that I...Read more

Bray: A Response to “The STS Challenge to Philosophy of Science in Taiwan”

Francesca Bray responds to Ruey-Lin Chen's characterization of the relationship between STS and Philosophy of Science in Taiwan.Read more

Learning to be a sensing plant

[One of the plant scientists] tells me how her lab is trying to bring this sunflower experiment indoors, into controlled conditions. “We can do this in a growth chamber too. So we’ve got LED...Read more

Theoretical Challenges for the Current Sociology of Science and Technology: A Prospect for its Future Development

Resisting the conventional framing of "Western" versus "non-Western" frameworks, Matsumoto discusses challenges facing the sociology of science and technology, with a special emphasis on "theoretical challenges from the viewpoint of a scholar who is embedded in the East Asian locality." (130) ...Read more

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