This 2015 article by Lyle Fearnley builds on the contrast between lab and field sciences through the study of scientists researching avian influenza in the fields of Poyang Lake, China.Read more
This 2009 article by Yuko Fujigaki describes the development of Japanese STS from the 1980s up to the planning processes for the 2010 4S Meeting in Tokyo. The article also focuses on analyzing historical case studies (Minamata disease, itai-itai disease, the Monju nuclear power plant incidents)...Read more
This article introduces the second set of papers on the state of the social studies of science in Japan that emerged from a March 2009 workshop on Asian STS held at the National University of Singapore. Read more
"Whether it is the nightly activities of urban foxes ( Vulpine Domesticity, 2010-2013 ), a humpback whale telling the story of how it moves about ( ...Read more
The authors of this article use bibliometric techniques to analyze the prevalence of specific themes and approaches in the Journal of Science and Technology Studies (Kagaku Gijutsu Shakai-ron Kenkyū) and East Asian Science, Technology and Society.
This article by Togo Tsukahara introduces a set of articles published in East Asian Science, Technology and Society in 2009, and asks what constitutes "Asian STS" broadly and Japanese STS specifically. These articles are products of the workshop "Toward a Trans-Asian...Read more
Michael M. J. Fischer characterizes STS in Asia as theory from the Global East, additionally distinguishing STS from SSK, SCOT, and ANT. Read more