Medical anthropology in Japan emerged during the 1980s under the strong influence of psychiatry and the interpretive approach (Ohnuki-Tierney 1988, Namihira 1990, etc). It has been developing in a close relation to non-Japanese anthropological interest in contemporary Japanese medicine,...Read more
Asian and African Area Studies No.13-2 (February, 2014): 101-111
Author: Tatsuro Fujikura
Abstract: This introductory article to the special issue remembering Professor Adachi Akira recollects some aspects of his life and thoughts by looking at some of his writings. It starts from...Read more
Fischer does work to define “anthropology of STS” - six key features are defined on pg 183-4: "The anthropology of STS has emerged alongside, and broadens the purview of, British...Read more
The main text of Ant Network Theory is composed of three SF stories, whereas the endnotes are the notes of "two time-traveling scholars writing from an unspecified far future, at a time when other...Read more
Michael M. J. Fischer characterizes STS in Asia as theory from the Global East, additionally distinguishing STS from SSK, SCOT, and ANT. Read more