Amanda Windle

Sofie‚— Sketch 5: Visualising the Point

Hi Sofie,

You chose a range of images by artists involving sculpture and drawing, but you also chose a series of code. The latter may be the inspiration for a book cover, and I think would...Read more

Linda‚— Sketch 5: Visualising the Point

Hi Linda, all your images could be used as bookcovers. If you were to make one of these a book cover say for MIT Press, in order which one would you choose? What 2-3 lines of text would you give...Read more

Amanda Windle

Amanda Windle is Chair of a homeless therapeutic community called the Simon Community London. Her UK advocacy for homeless matters is anchored in theories of affect and feminisms (feminist STS and technoscience). As member of the design...Read more

Caroline, —Sketch 5, What's the Point.

Hi Caroline, you have one image that mentions data a lot.

If you were to make one of these a book cover say for MIT Press, in order which one would you choose? What 2-3 lines of text would...Read more

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