AO: An important point made by the authors is the importance of careful consideration of who is driving the creation and maintenance of the archive. Who is assembling and curating the materials...Read more
AO: This quote highlights the unequal relations of global knowledge production and Africa's often marginalized role despite being a key site of and for knowledges.
"Many initial
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AO: This artifact gives an appreciation for the types of materials held by BIEA that have been archived through Aluka/JSTOR. According to this overview written up by the British Archaeology Data Service...Read more
AO: While not explicitly on BIEA or Kenya, this article is important to better understand the context out of which Aluka was created. Aluka is the digital library which houses the (partially) digitized collections of BIEA. Founded in 2003, in June 2008, the Ithaka...Read more