6S 2021

Rachel Douglas-Jones

Rachel Douglas-Jones is an Assistant Professor at the IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark. She received her Ph.D. in Anthropology in 2013 from Durham University with the doctoral thesis Locating Ethics, which...Read more

Renzo Filinich Orozco. Completed Sketch A. 2021 6S Workshop.

This sketch was completed as part of the exercises assigned for the Student Section of the Social Studies of Science (6S) 2021 annual workshop. Students completed exercise sketches in advance of a live, facilitated workshop. Find more about the overall 2021 workshop ...Read more

Purbasha Das. Completed Sketch B. 2021 6S Workshop.

This sketch was completed as part of the exercises assigned for the Student Section of the Social Studies of Science (6S) 2021 annual workshop. Students completed exercise sketches in advance of a live, facilitated workshop. Find more about the overall 2021 workshop ...Read more

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