2022 6S Sketch Groups

Mang_6S_2022_Staccato Project Design Sketch_Take 1

This is my staccato design sketch for Workshop#1 of the 6S 2022 Working Sketch Group Program. Find all sketch exercises in the program here. Find my peers' sketches for this workshop ...Read more

Juega Aprende_6S_2022_Staccato Project Design Sketch_Take 1

This is my staccato design sketch for Workshop#1 of the 6S 2022 Working Sketch Group Program. Find all sketch exercises in the program here. Find my peers' sketches for this workshop ...Read more

Perez_6S_2022_Staccato Project Design Sketch_Take 1

This is my staccato design sketch for Workshop#1 of the 6S 2022 Working Sketch Group Program. Find all sketch exercises in the program here. Find my peers' sketches for this workshop ...Read more

Elexis Williams. Completed Sketch: Wishlist 2072. 2022 6S Workshop.

This sketch was completed as part of the exercises assigned for the Student Section of the Social Studies of Science (6S) 2022 Sketch Groups workshop #1. Students completed exercise sketches in advance of a live, facilitated workshop. Find more about the overall 2022 sketch program ...Read more

Kathryne Metcalf. Completed Data Availability Sketch

[This describes my corpus description dataset for a discourse analysis of data reuse in psychiatric genomics–it’s descriptive information for about 300 papers.]

The linked data include spreadsheets containing publication and data-use information about the corpus...Read more

Katie Ulrich. Completed Sketch: Wishlist 2072. 2022 6S Workshop.

This sketch was completed as part of the exercises assigned for the Student Section of the Social Studies of Science (6S) 2022 Sketch Groups workshop #1. Students completed exercise sketches in advance of a live, facilitated workshop. Find more about the overall 2022 sketch program ...Read more

Metcalf_6S_2022_Staccato Project Design Sketch_Take 1

This is my staccato design sketch for Workshop#1 of the 6S 2022 Working Sketch Group Program. Find all sketch exercises in the program here. Find my peers' sketches for this workshop ...Read more

2022 6S Sketch Group Program Curriculum

This is the latest version of the 6S 2022 Sketch Groups Program curriculum as of April 12, 2022.Read more

María P. Angel Collaboration Bio

I am a doctoral candidate at the University of Washington School of Law. I define myself as a privacy researcher, working at the intersection of Law & Technology and Science, Technology, and Social Studies (STS). My current research is focused on: i) the evolution of the concept of...Read more

Mónica Bustamante Salamanca Collaboration Bio

My name is Mónica Bustamante Salamanca.

As a psychologist and as an anthropologist I have studied and worked for 18 years on changes and its response in diverse contexts. Considering the possibility of humanity to rethink and create new processes led towards an STS (Social...Read more

Montse Perez Castro Perez. Indexing Data Types Sketch 2022

This my completed Indexing Data Types sketch - 6S 2022Read more

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