2022 6S Sketch Groups

Smirnova_6S_2022_Staccato Project Design Sketch_Take 1

This is my staccato design sketch for Workshop#1 of the 6S 2022 Working Sketch Group Program. Find all sketch exercises in the program here. Find my peers' sketches for this workshop ...Read more

Tonya Tartour. Completed Sketch: Wishlist 2072. 2022 6S Workshop.

This sketch was completed as part of the exercises assigned for the Student Section of the Social Studies of Science (6S) 2022 Sketch Groups workshop #1. Students completed exercise sketches in advance of a live, facilitated workshop. Find more about the overall 2022 sketch program ...Read more

Montse Perez Castro Perez. Data Availability Statement Sketch 2022

This is my completed Data Availability Statement Sketch - 6SRead more

Monica Bustamante. Completed Sketch: Wishlist 2072. 2022 6S Workshop.

This sketch was completed as part of the exercises assigned for the Student Section of the Social Studies of Science (6S) 2022 Sketch Groups workshop #1. Students completed exercise sketches in advance of a live, facilitated workshop. Find more about the overall 2022 sketch program ...Read more

Srishti Sood Collaboration Bio

I am a PhD student in Sociocultural Anthropology at the George Washington University. Broadly, my research interests lie at the intersection of feminist STS, media studies, and environmental anthropology. For my dissertation project, I explore how ecological restoration is carried out in...Read more

Lissette Lorenz Collaboration Bio

I am a rising 6th year PhD candidate who works at the intersection of art and STS (ASTS). I explore the dialectics of disaster/creation, death/life, and violence/peace in the new geological epoch known as the Anthropocene (among several other compelling alternative -cenes). I am a fervently...Read more

Maggie Mang. Completed Sketch: Wishlist 2072. 2022 6S Workshop.

This sketch was completed as part of the exercises assigned for the Student Section of the Social Studies of Science (6S) 2022 Sketch Groups workshop #1. Students completed exercise sketches in advance of a live, facilitated workshop. Find more about the overall 2022 sketch program ...Read more

Katie Ulrich. Completed Sketch: Wishlist 2072. 2022 6S Workshop.

This sketch was completed as part of the exercises assigned for the Student Section of the Social Studies of Science (6S) 2022 Sketch Groups workshop #1. Students completed exercise sketches in advance of a live, facilitated workshop. Find more about the overall 2022 sketch program ...Read more

Monamie Bhadra Haines Collaboration Bio

While at graduate school at Arizona State University (ASU) in the Human and Social Dimensions of Science and Technology program, I learned to work very independently and interdisciplinarily as I studied anti-nuclear activism in India to explore the relationships between the politics of...Read more

Rohit Negi Collaboration Bio

I’m an Associate Professor of Urban Studies and Director of the Centre for Community Knowledge at Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Delhi. My graduate training was in Urban Planning and doctoral work in Geography. My interests are quite varied though there is a...Read more

Lissette Diane Lorenz. Completed Sketch: Wishlist 2072. 2022 6S Workshop.

This sketch was completed as part of the exercises assigned for the Student Section of the Social Studies of Science (6S) 2022 Sketch Groups workshop #1. Students completed exercise sketches in advance of a live, facilitated workshop. Find more about the overall 2022 sketch program ...Read more

Elexis Trinity (Lex) Collaboration Bio

I am a PhD student in science and technology studies at Cornell University where my developing research interests center around environmental knowledge-making and the construction and exploitation of extreme, hazardous, hostile, or inhospitable environs. While my current projects...Read more

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