Engineer’s Participation in Military_my view on partner's thinking


My answer

In my view, it is not necessary for engineers to participate in the military-related R&D’s because they should work for the betterment of society and human beings rather destruction.

My partner’s answer

Because of the challenge imposed on Taiwan to join China under one principal rule of China my partner's view is that, Yes, the engineer can participate in military-related R&D if it is not used for an attack but only for peaceful purposes.

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Engineer’s Participation in Military_my view on partner's thinking

My answer

In my view, it is not necessary for engineers to participate in the military-related R&D’s because they should work for the betterment of society and human beings rather destruction.

My partner’s answer

Because of the challenge imposed on Taiwan to join China under one principal rule of China my partner's view is that, Yes, the engineer can participate in military-related R&D if it is not used for an attack but only for peaceful purposes.


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Created date

January 4, 2023

Cite as

Syed Mustafa Hussain. 4 January 2023, "Engineer’s Participation in Military_my view on partner's thinking", Taiwan - Korea Global Classroom 2022, STS Infrastructures, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 4 January 2023, accessed 16 July 2024.’s-participation-militarymy-view-partners-thinking-0