Engineer’s Participation in Military_partner's thinking


Partner’s Answer.

Yes, the engineer can participate in military related R&D if it is not use for attack.

Participate in military can obtain more sponsorships and develop better products. Gain the sponsor from army or participate in military related R&D doesn't mean you are supporting invasion. In my opinion, engineer is just creating something military need. Take Cryptography for example, its development will not hurt people and it also help people create safe internet and protect people's privacy.

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Engineer’s Participation in Military_partner's thinking

Partner’s Answer.

Yes, the engineer can participate in military related R&D if it is not use for attack.

Participate in military can obtain more sponsorships and develop better products. Gain the sponsor from army or participate in military related R&D doesn't mean you are supporting invasion. In my opinion, engineer is just creating something military need. Take Cryptography for example, its development will not hurt people and it also help people create safe internet and protect people's privacy.


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Created date

January 4, 2023

Cite as

Syed Mustafa Hussain. 4 January 2023, "Engineer’s Participation in Military_partner's thinking", Taiwan - Korea Global Classroom 2022, STS Infrastructures, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 4 January 2023, accessed 16 July 2024.’s-participation-militarypartners-thinking-0