[MICHELLE YANG]Q8. What is nuclear energy policy in your home country? OR What is your opinion toward sustainable energy choices?

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Taiwan energy rate

[my answer]

The proportion of Taiwan's power generation, thermal power accounted for 79.6%, renewable energy accounted for 6.3%, and nuclear energy accounted for 10.8%. Taiwan issued a new energy policy in 2016, and the fourth nuclear power plant was suspended, while the other three nuclear power plants did not. Extension of service, hoping to achieve a non-nuclear homeland in 2025. There are still many controversies in this part. A referendum was even held to decide whether to use it or not. In the end, it was invalid because the number of voters did not reach the threshold. The policy is oriented to actively develop renewable energy. 20%. 

I am very supportive of the denuclearized energy policy, but at the same time, I am more concerned about whether the vision can be effectively achieved? In the process of energy transformation, there must be a certain transition period of power shortage. Taiwan’s important economy comes from high-tech generation. In the industrial industry, whether the government can provide stable power is also a factor for foreign companies to consider in factories. On the long highway, you can see windmills running continuously. Even though solar power generation is still the most beautiful, I still look forward to other R&D and mature development of renewable energy technology. 


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Created date

December 26, 2022

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. 26 December 2022, "[MICHELLE YANG]Q8. What is nuclear energy policy in your home country? OR What is your opinion toward sustainable energy choices?", STS Infrastructures, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 26 December 2022, accessed 16 July 2024. https://stsinfrastructures.org/content/michelle-yangq8-what-nuclear-energy-policy-your-home-country-or-what-your-opinion-toward