Q9[崔源材]How has the covid 19 impacted your life? How will you rank your trust in the solutions–vaccine, mask, personal tracking technology? How effective do you think your (home) country responded to COVID-19?  What do you think we can do better?

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Q9 my answer

For me, covid19 has impacted my life a lot. For instance wearing mask is very uncomfortable. I trust Vaccine>personal tracking technology > mask because in Korea, I always go to the crowded place without mask but I never got covid ever. In Korea, the government effectively responded to covid19, but the cost of testing kits and swab test has risen. I found during covid 19 it is better cooking at home rather that eating or ordering out because due to covid19 the cost of delivery service risen a lot. 

Q9 partner's answer

The pandemic affected not only she but also people across the globe. A lot of business got closed during the pandemic, with the sudden changes in the nation’s economy, the fact that people started hoarding a lot of food and supplies, and the lack of transportation. She trust Vaccine> personal tracking technology > mask. The vaccine is the most trusted one since a lot of people already use it to prevent other disease such as small pox, pollo and ect, which is effectic. Her country responded too slow, even disseminating the vaccines has not completely fulfilled its promise. She think based on her observations her government must provide the people’s right and need. 

Q9 my answer after class

Needless to say, covid 19 is the worst pandemic in these decades. And as my partner also think mask is the last thing she trust, I personally think mask is obsolete, it only gives us uncomfortable but don’t do their work very well. In Korea, there are still a lot of people infected although their weared the mask. 

And I personally think my country responded covid19 very well and what I think that we can do better is develop a new item can stand for the uncomfortable mask. 


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Created date

December 6, 2022

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cwjjohn0814. 6 December 2022, "Q9[崔源材]How has the covid 19 impacted your life? How will you rank your trust in the solutions–vaccine, mask, personal tracking technology? How effective do you think your (home) country responded to COVID-19?  What do you think we can do better?", STS Infrastructures, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 6 December 2022, accessed 16 July 2024. https://stsinfrastructures.org/content/q9崔源材how-has-covid-19-impacted-your-life-how-will-you-rank-your-trust-solutions–vaccine-mask