[Eason Chen] Q9. How has the covid 19 impacted your life? How will you rank your trust in the solutions–vaccine, mask, personal tracking technology? How effective do you think your (home) country responded to COVID-19? What do you think we can do better?

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[My answer]

In 2019, covid heated Taiwan, I was a high school student. And many club activities were cancelled, and went to every place you should wear the mask. It’s very inconvenient because you can’t eat while walking I the night market, and this inconvenient botter me a lot. But wearing the mask is truly important, it efficiently block the spread of the virus. Help Taiwan decline the number of comfirm cases. 

About what do I think we can do better. I think self-protection awarness is a point, we guys should value the importance of wearing mask to protect ourself 


[My partner's answer]

I think that it made me appreciate things that I take for granted my family and something as simple as breathingFortunately, I did not get the virus and my family got it but they are okay. I am taking to them most often and now I feel that masks are part of my skin, breathing feels more like a gift now. From my perspective I think that vaccination and the use of masks worked well. I got the three vaccine doses, wore mask and did not visit to crowded places, hopefully it worked. Unsurprisingly, the response of my country to the first cases and the management of patients in the hospitals was lacking, as well as medical resources to fight the virus. Ultimately, the system collapsedHowever surprisingly the vaccination campaigns took place very fast, by the time I was receiving the first dose of vaccine in South Korea my family was about to receive the 2nd shot.  


Regarding the vaccine effectiveness, certainly, one might assume that after receiving the vaccine we are fully immune to the virus, however considering that the virus is mutating and the effectiveness of the vaccine builds up with time it came to no surprise that even after receiving the vaccine it was possible to be infected. This was the case with my family who got the virus after being vaccinated. However, in my non-scientific opinion I believe that the fact that my family received the vaccination prior to them being infected with COVID 19, made their symptomatology less severe. Therefore, I consider that, in a way, the vaccination was effective but the  


On the other hand, I think that at the beginning the tracking technology, in the case of South Korea was effective for tracking people that were meant to be in quarantine and to indicate zones were a person with the virus was spotted in order to disinfect that place and avoid it. However, as the cases grew widely exponentially world wide this type of solution became “obsolete”. Ultimately, what I believe make the difference was the correct use of mask as part of the daily lifeEven by 2022 and after many restrictions have been lifted in various countries worldwide a lot of people (I include myself) use the mask even in open places.  


I think that we underestimated the situation and did not anticipate that it would turn in an event of such huge magnitude. Therefore, we should not underrate “the power of the mother nature” and be prepared. I think that the research on vaccination related to this type of virus and in general for different illnesses with evident epidemiological potential should be carried out continuously. Moreover, the investment on health and medical institutions should be reinforced with improved conditions for the working staff. 




My partner told me that she think take vaccine playing a critical part in protecting virus. And I also have three shot , before the vaccines gerenrated, people go every will worried that if they will been catched COVID. Having the vaccine, though we get the virus , they would not cause the fatal damage to us. People could go everywhere, even going to other country, wihout worrying to much like before. 

In my opinion, I think wearing is also important to us, people should have awareness of that COVID has already spread all around the world and we also have a chance to catch COVID even having the vaccine. So wearing mask is another effective way to protect ourselves. 


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Created date

November 25, 2022

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cheneason0320. 25 November 2022, "[Eason Chen] Q9. How has the covid 19 impacted your life? How will you rank your trust in the solutions–vaccine, mask, personal tracking technology? How effective do you think your (home) country responded to COVID-19? What do you think we can do better?", STS Infrastructures, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 25 November 2022, accessed 17 July 2024. https://stsinfrastructures.org/content/eason-chen-q9-how-has-covid-19-impacted-your-life-how-will-you-rank-your-trust-solutions