[YI CHEN HONG洪翊宸 ]Q7. Do you consider “imitation” as innovation?

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Imitations and innovations

[my answer]

I think the answer is yes and no. Innovation does require imitation, but innovation does not mean imitation. Just imagine, if everyone is imitating each other when innovating, then our world will always be spinning in the same place, and there is no way to break through the status quo and grow. So I think innovation means 40% imitation plus 60% new ideas, so that our world can keep turning.

Imitation is also an improvement technique

[my partner's answer]

Novelty is not always an invitation and sometimes is a good imitation. 
Innovation took a high appreciation in the world because it is called to create a new product for peoples needs. It should solve existing problems and make financial benefits to entrepreneurs. At the same time, innovation may possess significant limitations and there are always pros and cons. Innovations need to be examined and tested for weak points, but after it wouldn't be something new. While novelty and being unique is the most important condition to make immediate and high profit. 
On the other hand, imitation is not mindless repetition; it’s an intelligent search for cause and effect. Imitation has something, limiting innovation. The awareness of its merits, by which it can be applied wisely and planned. Consequently, imitation can be a primary source of progress. 

History of automobile evolution

[my reflection]

My answer is still the same. When imitation is combined with new ideas, it becomes innovation. And just like fashion is a circle, I think that innovative things will be repeated over time, and each repetition will appear with a newer attitude. Of course, this idea may not apply to technology, because technology is constantly advancing, I think this idea is only applicable to design. For example, in daily life, the furniture, the appearance of mobile phones, the appearance of cars, the style of clothes, etc.


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Created date

November 22, 2022

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. 22 November 2022, "[YI CHEN HONG洪翊宸 ]Q7. Do you consider “imitation” as innovation?", STS Infrastructures, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 26 December 2022, accessed 17 July 2024. https://stsinfrastructures.org/content/[yi-chen-hong洪翊宸-]q7-do-you-consider-“imitation”-innovation