[My partner's answer]
I think that innovation of science and technology should be led by the convergence of the government and the scientific community. I believe that the governments are required to improve the efficiency of researching by enhancing incentives to individual scientific labs or business focused on R&D, promoting the active interaction between universities, government labs, firms, industrial complexes and the society. Specifically in areas where there is a lack of support and investment. Meaning that the challenges need to be addressed considering the needs and interest of the government itself, the academia, industry and civil society. Moreover, the government should foster the development of human resources in science and technology and build intellectual property rights, thus rewarding investments in innovation while spreading the scientific and technological knowledge. Ultimately, the government is required to use the public founds fairly, while seeking for private investments as well.
Simultaneously the scientific entities are required to design and stablish experimental proposals that can address the needs and meet the requirements of the country in terms of scientific development particularly in the areas or fields where the actual mechanisms of production, conversion, synthesis and so on are inappropriate, insufficient or non-existent. Moreover, the research facilities (individual, government-created and from universities) should be encouraged to have partnership interactions among them, with higher education facilities and the industry to promote joint projects. Likewise, these entities are required to promote working opportunities to human resources (students, and scientist) to be part of their institutions to keep the development and innovation machinery on-going.
I believe that the need for an improved convergence was evidenced during the COVID 19 pandemic, particularly in the vaccine research and development area, were scientific innovation meet the requirements to obtain vaccines going from a small-scale study towards a scale up. Nevertheless, this goal could not have been fulfilled if it were not for the essential founding, especially public founding.