Mustafa_Q5_ Do you think the cold war ideologies continue to shape engineering practice and engineers’ career paths?





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November 21, 2022 - 6:28am

Critical Commentary

In my view the whole engineering profession was getting pace because of the cold war. It was all technology race and that was in the hands of engineers. It was the driving force to shape engineering practices in order to take advantages and secure the regional stability both militarily and economically. The engineers are always interested in the gap of the research and want to fill that for their career boost.

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Anonymous, "Mustafa_Q5_ Do you think the cold war ideologies continue to shape engineering practice and engineers’ career paths? ", contributed by Syed Mustafa Hussain, Taiwan - Korea Global Classroom 2022, STS Infrastructures, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 21 November 2022, accessed 17 July 2024.