[YI CHEN HONG 洪翊宸] Q4. Identify one of the cold war legacies you find most powerful in your country

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Taiwanese people's national awareness

[My answer]

Taiwan was in a very dangerous position during the Cold War. At that time, the two largest forces in the world were the United States representing capitalism and the Soviet Union representing socialism, and the Soviet Union was extremely partial to China. If the Soviet Union became the world leader, it would pose a great threat to Taiwan, so it made a precarious position for Taiwan . 

As for the problems left over from Taiwan after the end of the Cold War, I think they are more spiritual, but in fact I don't think these problem can be regarded as a completely negative impact. That is, the decline of Taiwanese people's national awareness. 

When our grandparents were young, they might talk about counterattacking the mainland and want to regain the territory that was once Taiwan, but after the Cold War, Taiwan's ideology has changed. The young people of today's generation have a greater sense of belonging to Taiwan than to China, so they don't talk too much about counterattacking the mainland. I think part of the reason for this shift is the Cold War.


[my partner’s answer]

Since my country become independent in 1991, there wasn’t big changes in condition of informational isolation in Soviet Union. In terms of the Cold War, Uzbekistan inherited the huge arsenal and military equipment, which were constructed in the 1950s and weapons accelerated over the next 40 years. In the first years of my country, it was important to protect itself from different militants attacks and prevent the newborn country collapse. In that period those weapons were used in the right direction.


America's relationship with taiwan

[my reflection]

After the discussion with my partner, I found that there are more Cold War legacies of Taiwan. 

First, I think about America's relationship with the world. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the status of the United States in the world can be said to be unshakable, and this has both positive and negative impacts on Taiwan. 

The positive effect is that Taiwan has not been oppressed by China because the Soviet Union gained an advantage. After all, the Soviet Union has disappeared, so China has lost a powerful deputy to deal with Taiwan. 

The negative impact is that the United States has too much right to speak. As long as the United States decides not to protect Taiwan or continue to sell weapons to us one day in the future, Taiwan will return to a precarious position.



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Created date

November 15, 2022

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. 15 November 2022, "[YI CHEN HONG 洪翊宸] Q4. Identify one of the cold war legacies you find most powerful in your country", STS Infrastructures, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 15 November 2022, accessed 18 September 2024. https://stsinfrastructures.org/content/yi-chen-hong-洪翊宸-q4-identify-one-cold-war-legacies-you-find-most-powerful-your-country