Michael_Q5. Do you think the cold war ideologies continue to shape engineering practice and engineers’ career paths?


Do you think the cold war ideologies continue to shape engineering practice and engineers’ career paths? Why or why not? 

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Michael_Q5. Do you think the cold war ideologies continue to shape engineering practice and engineers’ career paths?

(My answer before class)

It shapes the engineering practice as there is still mistrust among western and eastern countries which curtails technical cooperation and data sharing among engineers from different countries for fear of losing intellectual property such as the “Huawei 5G” controversy. This mistrust also means that scientist from different countries oftentimes has limited possibility to relocate to or conduct research in the “opposing” country. 

Michael_Q5. Do you think the cold war ideologies continue to shape engineering practice and engineers’ career paths?

(My partner's answer)

Yes, I think so. During the cold war, the military competition between Russia and the US shape the engineering practice and engineers’ career paths. On the other hand, there are many developments relevant to engineering. For instance, there are significant space technology and nuclear energy progress in that period. 

Michael_Q5. Do you think the cold war ideologies continue to shape engineering practice and engineers’ career paths?

(My answer after class)

The same as before and my perception was proven right by the lecturer’s past experience in the USA where some campuses sought to prevent the sharing of “sensitive” information or research findings  with researchers from “opposing” countries.


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Created date

November 14, 2022

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Michaelleach. 14 November 2022, "Michael_Q5. Do you think the cold war ideologies continue to shape engineering practice and engineers’ career paths?", Taiwan - Korea Global Classroom 2022, STS Infrastructures, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 21 December 2022, accessed 17 July 2024. https://stsinfrastructures.org/content/michaelq5-do-you-think-cold-war-ideologies-continue-shape-engineering-practice-and-2