Internal communication

Here some guidelines about our primary communication channels among us:

  • Digital communication, and due to recent events, digital teaching, and meetings (!), are a key pillar of the lab.

  • So far, we have found out that Slack (aside from face to face of course!) is our quickest, safest and easiest way of communicating among lab members. Slack is composed of channels with different topics where we can discuss and post interesting links and ideas.

  • All communication platforms are performative; including face-to-face and Slack, twitter, etc.

  • While everyone is encouraged to check Slack regularly to know what is being discussed, there is no requirement to be active in Slack. We should avoid taking decisions in Slack, and when done, these decisions should be 10 confirmed (or rejected) in face-to-face meetings. We value face-to-face (if necessary, online) meetings more than Slack communication. This is particularly important also because lab members engage very differently with Slack. Let's not forget that different engagements (quantitatively and qualitatively) are understood, and it is the lab’s responsibility to keep learning how to deal with these differences.

  • We need to be careful not to engage in Slack 24/7 and indeed take days off Slack. If you don’t remember when you have last had a day without looking into Slack, please take that day off right away!

  • Slack can become quite messy, and a mess might result in inaccessibility. Please use Slack carefully, working with the different channels and layers of discussion to keep things transparent and accessible.

  • Mark people with @ so that the addressed persons do not miss out on the message. If the message can be sent directly to someone through the private channel, please do it, so we don't spam the others.

  • We try to talk with each other and not about each other by addressing people directly using @.


All rights reserved.

Created date

September 1, 2022

Cite as

. 1 September 2022, "Internal communication", STS Infrastructures, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 1 September 2022, accessed 2 January 2025.