Nathalia Hernandez Collaboration Bio


My research examines how technology and law produce intersecting inequalities and the role that social movements have in challenging and transforming prominent technoscientific regimes. I do so by putting in conversation the frameworks and analytic tools provided by feminist political ecology, critical race theory, and science and technology studies. I focus specifically on the study of agrarian-environmental regimes in Latin America and the Caribbean and the struggles for agrarian-environmental justice in the region. I am currently writing a book based on my dissertation. It is entitled Regenerating Mobilizations Against Extractivism.

I am a passionate educator. I draw from the intersectional tradition and decolonial thought and praxis to design and teach my courses, and to engage in grassroots-based education initiatives. I have taught in universities in the US and Colombia and participated in other educational activities with colleagues in Bolivia, Ecuador, and Cuba, among other countries.

I hold a doctorate in Sociology from Loyola University Chicago and I am currently a Visiting Scholar at the University of North Texas. I am also a member of the working group of Latin American Political Ecology from the South/ Abya Yala, affiliated with the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO), and a Book Review Editor at Tapuya, Latin American Knowledge, Technology, and Society.


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Contributed date

September 28, 2021 - 12:49pm

Critical Commentary

This is my collaboration bio as of 26th of September, 2021. I created this artifact to share with fellow participants in advance of the 6S pre-conference workshop. The full essay of collaboration bios can be found here.


Cite as

Nathalia Hernandez, "Nathalia Hernandez Collaboration Bio", contributed by Nathalia Hernandez Vidal, STS Infrastructures, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 28 September 2021, accessed 6 October 2024.