From Non-racism to Anti-racism in Social Studies Teacher Education: Social Studies and Racial Pedagogical Content Knowledge

TitleFrom Non-racism to Anti-racism in Social Studies Teacher Education: Social Studies and Racial Pedagogical Content Knowledge
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsKing, LaGarrett J., Prentice T. Chandler, Alicia R. Crowe, and Alexander Cuenca
PublisherSpringer International Publishing
ISBN Number978-3-319-22939-3
AbstractIn this chapter we argue that social studies education is rooted in a non-racist ideology that has been systemic within its history. Non-racism, the passive rejection of extreme racism in the form of behaviors, discourse, and ideology, effectively does little to transform our collective thinking about race. In fact, it reinforces racial structures and accepts terms of racism by being passive and silent about racial knowledge. Instead we propose that social studies promote more anti-racist frameworks for social studies education, which actively rejects institutional and structural aspects of race and racism. We propose using racial pedagogical content knowledge (RPCK) (Chandler, 2015) in social studies teacher education to move past non-racism and into anti-racist pedagogical spaces. We highlight contemporary forms of non-racism and juxtapose them/these forms with anti-racist approaches. We conclude with concrete suggestions and insights into moving past non-racism and further anti-racism in social studies teacher education.
Short TitleFrom Non-racism to Anti-racism in Social Studies Teacher Education