MISFIRES Conceptual Development

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July 31, 2019 - 9:21am

Critical Commentary

MISFIRES’ conceptual development draws on and overflows into multiple streams of social science research. From STS, we draw on several traditions including engaged STS and market studies – a theorising on markets that was inspired by Actor-Network Theory. From philosophy, we are inspired by theories of justice and democracy. Organization studies and post-Marxist economics gives us valuable guidance around social movements and alternative economies, respectively. Finally, we stand on a long tradition of research in the sociology of health and healthcare around patient movements and patient organisations

Cite as

Ilaria Galasso, "MISFIRES Conceptual Development", contributed by , STS Infrastructures, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 31 July 2019, accessed 8 March 2025. https://stsinfrastructures.org/content/misfires-conceptual-development