It seems as though iHub research is balancing a precarious position – at once needing to establish itself as a legitimate site of knowledge production that contributes to the global research community (in other words, provides an international platform for local research), while at the same time 1) challenging global research conventions that have tended to exclude “developments subjects” from accessing knowledge produced about them and 2) challenging global media depictions that have tended to offer reductionist representations of “development subjects.” While absolutely necessary, committing to open access can make it challenging to find a place to share knowledge within global research communities – communities that have predominantly relied on private publishing models not only for sustaining themselves financially, but also for establishing the metrics for scholarly promotion. Insisting on fair, nuanced representation in the media can make it challenging to find reliable venues to share research within, making it difficult to disseminate knowledge (in its full complexity) to practitioners and the public. This essay certainly speaks to the need for new and experimental infrastructures – infrastructures that are sensitive to politics at many scales - to support and legitimize diverse STS formations.