In the Frameworks sections of the essay, Okune describes the commitment to openness and diversity as a key political framework by which iHub Reseach operated. Some additional commitments that appear to be running through her narrative about iHub Research include:
In the Education section of this essay about iHub, Okune includes a powerpoint delivered as part of a research workshop. One slide displays a "research onion" - breaking down the philosophies, approaches, strategies, and techniques that researchers may bring to their work. I'm wondering if there are any particular segments of this onion that were more predominant at iHub research. Did the research tend to be more interpretive, pragmatic, or realist? Did researchers tend to rely more on ethnography, grounded theory, archival research, or experiments? What was the "style" of research at iHub, and if it was diverse, were there any particular research styles that the institution avoided, and for what reasons?
I'm also interested in hearing more about how the theories, frameworks, and ideas emerging out of related fields such as political science, development studies, and ICT4D have influenced work at iHub - in part to better understand how their ideas intersect with and diverge from key concepts in STS.