TEKPOL: Projects and Publications



METU-TEKPOL members have led a wide range of research projects funded by different institutions. On the basis of the available list of projects in between 2009 and 2016,* we see the projects are supported by various local, national and international funding agencies, including,  BAP-METU; METU Rectorate; Ankara Development Agency; Ankara Chamber of Industry; The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBİTAK); Undersecretariat of Defense (Turkey); Ministry of Development (Turkey);  Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology (Turkey);** British Council; European Commission; Directorate General INFOSOC, European Commission; Euro-Mediterranean Forum of Economic Institutes (FEMISE Network); International Investors Association (YASED).  


Based on the list of selected publications of full-time faculty members, METU-TEKPOL has a strong publication record. The publications are both in English and Turkish. What we want to bring to fore here is a recent Turkish book edited by TEKPOL members,*** and entitled "Bilim, Teknoloji ve Yenilik: Kavramlar, Kuramlar ve Politika" [Science, Technology, and Innovation: Concepts, Theories and Politics/Policies]. 760 pages in total, this book is the most comprehensive reference in science, technology, and innovation policies in Turkey. To provide a general sense about the content of this resource, below is the English translation of section and chapter titles: 

I. Introduction: Concepts

1. Knowledge, Science, Technology, and Innovation: Conceptual Discussion

2. Evolution Periods of Science and Technology in History

3. Innovation and Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights

4. Learning and Technological Competence

5. R&D and Innovation Measure, and the Use of Innovation Survey Data in Research

II. Commercialization and Measurement

6. R&D and Funding Innovation

7. University-Industry Collaboration Focused Technology Transfer Interfaces 

III. The Micro- and Macroeconomics of Innovation

8. R&D, Innovation, and Economic Growth I: Basic Neo-Classical Approaches

9. R&D, Innovation, and Economic Growth II: Neo-Classical Approaches

10. Evolutionary Economics and Technology

11. The Development and Dissemination of Technology

12. R&D, Innovation, and Efficiency

13. Technology, Globalization, and Labor Markets

14. Seeing Innovation Process as a Network

15. Approaches to Innovation in the Context of Space

16. Recent Developments in the Financial Innovation Literature 

17. Technological Change and Environmental Problems

IV. Sectoral Analysis: Turkey and Examples from the World

18. The Information and Communication Technology Sector

19. Ecological Innovation for Low-carbon Economy

20. R&D, Innovation and Technological Learning: Automotive Industry

21. Nanotechnology: Sectoral Analysis, Turkey, and Examples from the World

22. R&D and Innovation in Defence Industry

V. Science, Technology, and Innovation Policies: Theoretical Approach

23. Theoretical Framework of Science, Technology, and Innovation Policies

24. Impact Analysis in Science, Technology, and Innovation Policies: Evaluating the Impacts of Public Support Programs

25. The Relation between Foreign Capital, Technology, and Development: Poverty Traps

VI. Science, Technology, and Innovation Policies: Applied Studies

26. Japan: An Extraordinary Example to the Application of Technology Policies

27. R&D Practices and the Globalization of Capital: A Study over Multinational Companies in Turkey

28. Entrepreneurial Universities in Turkey and in the world, and the Development of Academic Entrepreneurship

VII.  Science, Technology, and Innovation Policies, and Turkey

29. Science and Technology Policies in Turkey Before 1980

30. The History and Development of Science and Technology Policies in Turkey After 1980

*The list of projects in between 2009 and 2015 is here. The list of projects launched in 2016 is available in the Corporate CV document

**By July 2018, Ministry of Industry and Technology.

*** The three of four editors of the book are current faculty members at METU-TEKPOL (namely, Semih Akçomak, Erkan Erdil, and Teoman Pamukçu). The other editor, Murad Tiryakioğlu works in the department of economics at Afyon Kocatepe University. The book was published not by METU but by another university, Istanbul Bilgi University Press in 2016.


All rights reserved.



Contributed date

August 8, 2018 - 2:32pm

Critical Commentary

This text highlights a number of projects and publications that exemplify the research trajectory at METU-TEKPOL.


-METU TEKPOL website

-Akçomak, İ. S., Erdil, E., Pamukçu, M. T. ve Tiryakioğlu, M. (2016) Bilim, Teknoloji ve Yenilik: Kavramlar, Kuramlar ve Politika, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, İstanbul.



Cite as

Duygu Kaşdoğan, "TEKPOL: Projects and Publications", contributed by Duygu Kasdogan, STS Infrastructures, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 13 August 2018, accessed 4 March 2025. https://stsinfrastructures.org/content/tekpol-projects-and-publications