Research Center
The first board of directors was constituted of five people coming from different disciplines. Prof. Dr. Yakup Kepenek, from the economics department, acted as the director. The assistant directors were Prof. Dr. Bülent Ertan (electrical and electronics engineering) and Prof. Dr. Hasan Ünal Nalbantoğlu (sociology). Prof. Dr. Metin Ger (civil engineering) and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emel Aközer (architecture) were the other two members.
This first board of directors can be considered as having an interdisciplinary character, including two academics from the social sciences, namely, sociology and economics. When we look at the list of current full-time researchers at the center (see below), it seems that the field of economics has come to the fore in time. This is just a quick observation, and the changing disciplinary character of the program needs to be further inquired.
The second quick observation related to the first board of directors is that it constituted mostly of men, except one woman from the architecture department. The question of gender in science and technology policy studies in Turkey seems to stand as a separate research topic.
Directors by period:
1998-2001 Prof. Dr. Yakup Kepenek (retired - economics)
2001-2002 Prof. Dr. Metin Durgut (retired-industrial engineering)
2002-2017 Prof. Dr. Erkan Erdil (economics)
2017-ongoing Assoc. Prof. Dr. Semih Akçomak (economics)
Current Researchers
İbrahim Semih Akçomak; Umur Arsev Aydınoğlu; Erkan Erdil; M. Teoman Pamukçu; Maryat Demircan; Muhsin Doğan; Cansu Durukan; Gülsevim Evsel
Berna Beyhan; Hasan Cömert; Umut Yılmaz Çetinkaya; Ulaş Emiroğlu; Yelda Erden; Derya Fındık; Elif Kalaycı; Emek Barış Kepenek
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Teoman Pamukçu (department chair)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Semih Akçomak
Assist. Prof. Dr. Arsev Umur Aydınoğlu
Ayda Eraydın (METU/City and Regional Planning)
Ayşe Hoşgör Gündüz (METU/Sociology)
Barış Çakmur (METU/Political Science and Public Administration)
Emel Aközer (METU/Architecture - retired)
Erol Taymaz (METU/Economics)
Funda Başaran (Ankara University/Faculty of Communication - dismissed by February 7 Emergency Decree)
Hayriye Erbaş (Ankara University/Sociology)
Onur Yıldırım (METU/Economics)
Serdar Gökpınar (Technology Development Foundation of Turkey/senior advisor; Combat Aircrafts, Turkish Aerospace Industries, Inc./previous director)
Uğur Yalçıner (Turkish Patent Institute/previous director)
Yakup Kepenek (METU/Economics - retired)
Yılmaz Üstüner (METU/Political Science and Public Administration)
text developed on the basis of archival documents (METU TEKPOL Archive) as well as TEKPOL website.
Duygu Kaşdoğan, "TEKPOL: PEOPLE", contributed by Duygu Kasdogan, STS Infrastructures, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 12 August 2018, accessed 13 March 2025.
Critical Commentary
This text includes the names of people in the first board of directors of TEKPOL, subsequent directors of the research center, and researchers as well as the current faculty members and affiliated members at the department. It briefly reflects on the interdisciplinary character of the first board of directors. Further, a short commentary on the issue of gender is also stated.