Teaching Bibliography: Objecting to Objectivity: A Course in Biology (1972)


Articles, Books, Laboratory Practices, Movies

  1. The Future of Asexual Reproduction, Watson, Intellectual Digest, Oct. 71
  2. Reservations Concerning Gene Therapy, Fox and Littlefield, Science, 16 July 1971
  3. From Hippocrates to Senate Resolution 75, Trotter, Science News, December 4, 1971
  4. Ethnic Weapons, Larson, Military Review, Nov. 1970
  5. Prenatal Diagnosis of Genetic Diseases, Scientific American,
  6. Sickle Cell Anemia: An Interesting Pathology, Michaelson, Ramparts, October 1971
  7. Off the Pill? Coburn, Ramparts, June 1970
  8. Man and His Environment, Coale, Science, Vol. 170
  9. Population Care and Control, Snow, New Republic, May 1, 1971
  10. Population and Poverty, Hilton, SSRS Review, Sept. 1970
  11. Overpopulated America, Davis, New Republic, January 10, 1971
  12. My Answer to Genocide, Gregory, Ebony, October, 1971
  13. Is  Pregnancy Really Normal? Hem, Perspectives (Family Planning), January 1971
  14. A Report on the Abortion Capital of the Country, Edmiston, New York Sunday Times, 1971
  15. The Conquest of Syphilis, Horn, Chapter 9 of Away With All Pests (see books)
  16. Experimental Pregnancy, Veatch, Hastings Center Report, 1971 Institute for Society, Ethics and the Life Sciences
  17. The Myth of the Vaginal Orgasm, Koedt, New England Free Press pamphlet, 791 Tremont St., Boston
  18. Psychology Constructs the Female, Weisstein, New England Free Press
  19. Child-rearing and Women’s Liberation, Wortis, Boston Area Child Care Action Group pamphlet, 12-14 Glenwood, Cambridge, Mass. 02139
  20. On Killing Members of One’s Own Species, Lorenz, Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, October 1970
  21. The New American Militarism, Shoup, Atlantic, April1969 1969
  22. Science and Social Attitudes, Morison, Science, 11 July 1969
  23. Where Are Our Women in Science? Kundsin, Harvard Medical Alumni Bulletin, Winter, 1965
  24. Autopsy on Science, Roszak, New Scientist and Science Journal, 11 March 1971
  25. Education of a Scientific Innocent, Galston, Yale Review, 1971
  26. Margaret Sanger and Voluntary Motherhood, Sabaroff, Women, A Journal of Liberation, Spring 1970
  27. The Case of Ritalin: Drugs for Hyperactive Children, Charles, New Republic, October 23, 1971
  28. Brain Researcher Jose Delgado Asks, “What Kind of Humans Would We Like to Construct?”, Scarf, New York Times Magazine, November 15, 1970
  29. The Erich Fromm Theory of Aggression, Fromm. New York Times Magazine, February 27, 1972


For laboratory practice, we taught students how to do pregnancy tests, sickle-cell anemia testing, and blood typing. The equipment may be ordered from:

  1. Carolina Biological Supply Company
    Burlington, N.C. 27215
    (for blood typing kits, basic, $6.95, Rh, $13.95, Chromosome, $6.95.)
  2. Organon, Inc.
    West Orange, N.J. 07052
    (for Pregnosticon Dri-Dot Pregnancy Tests – 100 for $110.00)
  3. Orthodiagnostics
    c/o J.C. Poinier
    Buckboard Road
    Duxbury, Mass. 02332
    (for Pregnancy Test “Gravindex,” 200 for $187.00 and Sickel Cell Test “Sickledex,” 400 for $190.00)


The following were consulted for the preparation of the course

  1. Away With All Pests, by Joshua S. H_orn, Monthly Review Press, New York, 1969-$2.45 (A British surgeon writes about his 14 years in medical practice in China)
  2. The Earth Belongs to the People, by Guiseppi Slater et al.., Peoples Press, San Francisco, 1970-$.75 for paperback booklet (Discusses ecology and resources)
  3. From Now to Zero—Fertility, Contraception and Abortion in America, by L. Alderidge Westoff and Charles F. Westoff. Little, Brown & Co., Boston
  4. Who Shall Live? Man’s Control Over Birth and Death—a report prepared for the American Friends Service Committee. Hill and Wang, New York—$1.75
  5. Microbes and Morals—the Strange Story of Venereal Disease, by Theodor Rosebury, Viking Press, New York, $7.95
  6. Marx and Engels on the Population Bomb, edited by Ronald L. Meek, The Ramparts Press-$1.95
  7. The Closing Circle, Barry Commoner, Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1971 (Nature, Man and Technology)
  8. Women and Their Bodies, Our Bodies Our Selves, New land Free Press 1971, Boston Women’s Health Collective-$.35


  1. Each Child Wanted, 1-hour movie, about an unwanted pregnancy and abortion, from the Pregnancy Counselling Service, 5 Joy St., Boston. Contribution, $15
  2. The Earth Belongs to the People, IS minutes, about energy and resources,  from Newsreel, a group of radical filmmakers
  3. Milgram’s Experiment on Obedience, 1-hour, from the Sociology Department of Harvard University, free
  4. Venereal Disease, 20 minutes, Educational Films, Dept. SN, 331 N. Maple Drive, Beverly Hills, California, 90210, $25.00
  5. Pregnancy Testing in the ’70’s, Pregnancy Counselling, see above, $10.00 contribution


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Contributed date

November 20, 2022 - 10:26pm

Critical Commentary

Teaching Bibliography of a feminist science class run by Rita Arditti and Tom Strunk. 

Cite as

Tom Strunk and Rita Arditti, "Teaching Bibliography: Objecting to Objectivity: A Course in Biology (1972)", contributed by Prerna Srigyan, STS Infrastructures, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 20 November 2022, accessed 8 January 2025. https://stsinfrastructures.org/content/teaching-bibliography-objecting-objectivity-course-biology-1972