Rodriguez Medina on international divisions of academic authority and strategic vs engaged academic networks

Leandro Rodriguez Medina offers a powerful conception of strategic vs. engaged|transcendental academic networks.  

Rodriguez Medina is the founding editor of Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology and Society 

Rodriguez Medina’s co-author, Hebe Vessuri, was the winner of the 2017 Bernal prize awarded by the Society for Social Studies of Science for career-spanning contributions to the field of Science and Technology Studies.  

Wikipedia on Hebe Vessuri.  ORCID on Leandro Rodriguez Medina

Fully open access

RodriguezMedina, L. 2018. "On the Internationalization of the Social Sciences: A View From the South," University of California Los Angeles, School of Education lecture. February 1.

Restricted to registered, logged-in users on STS-Infrastructures

Rodriquez Medina, Leandro. 2019. Enacting Networks, Crossing Borders: A STS Perspective on the Internationalization of the Social Sciences in Mexico, Current Sociology 67(5): 705-722.

RodriquezMedinaL & VessuriH. 2018. Cooperación Asimétrica: ¿la despolitización de las redes internacionales en las ciencias sociales actuales? In Rosalba G. Ramírez García and José R. Rodríguez Jiménez (Coords) Internacionalización académica y científica Políticas, itinerarios, saberes e instrumentos, Mexico City: CINVESTAV, CONACYT, RIMAC y UNESCO, pp. 17-36.



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