Q4[崔源材]Identify one of the cold war legacies you find most powerful in your country and explain its impact?

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2-4My answer

In my country, because of the cold war with North Korea, the country demands us to join the military and also developing in weapons except nuclear weapons.  

2-4 partner's answer

Due to the special relationship between Philippines and the US in which one of the US bases is located in Philippines and it sparked the cold war with government and its residents. 

2-4 my answer after the class

Not only in Korea, the cold war impacted a lot of things. I think the cold war is not a positive thing, however, sometime these sort of things could promote development. For instance, the growth of military weapons in Korea.


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Created date

November 15, 2022

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. 15 November 2022, "Q4[崔源材]Identify one of the cold war legacies you find most powerful in your country and explain its impact?", STS Infrastructures, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 15 November 2022, accessed 17 July 2024. https://stsinfrastructures.org/content/q4崔源材identify-one-cold-war-legacies-you-find-most-powerful-your-country-and-explain-its